Friday, March 2, 2012

Pagans, If you knew a day of reckoning was coming for the Abrahamic religions would you warn them?

Or just let them do their thing and suffer the consequences?Pagans, If you knew a day of reckoning was coming for the Abrahamic religions would you warn them?
Why bother? They are not going to believe anything not in their buy-bull anyway.
It is not your job to interfere with another's path. Pagans share information but do not convert people. The people of the Abrahamic religions would not listen anyways. Besides, we all know this will not happen. Mainstream religion is backed by the Elite. It was created to divide the people. Smaller groups of people are easier to control. Same with governments, political parties, etc. The Elite are the most powerful people you have ever even heard of. Evil is going to win in this world, in this dimension. That is what ascension is for.Pagans, If you knew a day of reckoning was coming for the Abrahamic religions would you warn them?
It is not my place to tell people of other religions what to believe. It is between them and their gods (or god, in their case).
It would be dismissed anyway. Who listens to pagans these days.Pagans, If you knew a day of reckoning was coming for the Abrahamic religions would you warn them?
No. It is their right and their Will to believe as they wish, I would not interfere with them.
I wouldn't bother. They are traveling the path they want to be on so let them do their own thing.
Ah... and (looking up at the sky) "Mars is bright tonight".

Harry Potter, Book 1.

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